Potty Training: Training You To Train Your Dog
Let’s talk quick about potty training! Some of you have not potty trained a dog in quite some time, since your last dog was a puppy and...

The Hydration Station: Canine Version
We just went through some sweltering temperatures while judging down in Nebraska and are getting ready to go through more here. I know...

Lab Coat Color: Don't believe the hype
Sometimes things that make me crazy can force me to be productive. This is one of those times. I just read a thread and wanted to beat...

A Mother's Love
After a long day of whelping, the house is quiet, and everyone is settled in for the night. All the chaos of the day is over and as I...

Potty Training: Training You To Train Your Dog
Let’s talk quick about potty training! Some of you have not potty trained a dog in quite some time, since your last dog was a puppy and...

Make tracks outside with your dog
Spending Time Outdoors with your dog during COVID-19 Pandemic Let's face it. The same thing in your house day after day can leave you...

Gun shy dogs are created NOT born!
While I was the Education Director for the Council For Purebred Labrador Retrievers, I got to do a lot of fun educational flyers about...

Why should I register my dog with AKC?
One of the questions I get on occasion is why I register my dog if it’s only going to be a pet? There are a couple of reasons that...

Summer Fun!
Looking at our summer dock diving schedule and have put together a prospective schedule. This of course is dependent on upcoming puppies....

Don't Pick A Puppy, Pick A Breeder
Last year I wrote this article for the CPLR. I thought it would be a great subject to elaborate on for the blog. So here it goes! The...